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- Zeagle Regulators
- Zeagle Flathead 7 Regulator - DIN
Product Description
Zeagle Flathead 7 Regulator - DIN The Flathead 7 is the Flagship of Zeagle's regulator line: The wide-open internal structure allows for direct and unrestricted airflow through the 1st stage, giving very low breathing resistance, even at great depths and high demands The Flathead 7 1st stage has a dry-sealed spring chamber (to stop freezing at water temperatures below 40 degrees F) All delicate parts of the 1st stage including the main spring are sealed behind the clear hydrostatic diaphragm away from the effects of salt or other contaminants in the water, making it environmentally sealed. It is very low in profile, barely extending above the tank valve, and places the low pressure hoses directly out to the sides, in a pattern preferred by many divers Zeagle’s conical precision high-pressure valve provides much greater reliability and service life compared to conventional designs, while improving responsiveness and performance at all breathing rates Its unique construction brings the weight down to just under three pounds, one of our lightest regulators currently available Work of breathing at heavy* demand: 0.72 Joule/Liter *198 (60M) depth, 750 psi inlet, 62.5 RMV (liters per minute respiratory volume) Like all Zeagle regulators, The Flathead-7 comes factory ready for use with EAN/ NITROX to 40% O2. FLATHEAD-7 FIRST STAGE FEATURES: Environmentally Sealed Balanced 5 LP Ports 2 HP Ports Ideal for cold water Lighter weight Z SECOND STAGE FEATURES: Downstream valve Balanced Diaphragm Dive/Pre Dive Venturi Control Diver Adjustable Breathing Sensitivity New Compact Profile Hose Length: 30 in. (.76 m) First Stage Materials: Second Stage Materials: Body: Brass O-rings: Buna-N Seat: Advanced Polymer HP Valve: Stainless Steel Cover: Flexible Thermoplastic Case: Thermoplastic Poppet Seat: Elastomer O-Rings: Buna-N Diaphragm: Elastomeric Polymer Exhaust Valve: Elastomer Mouthpiece: Silicone